卡通农场 Wiki



卡通农场 Wiki

The Flower Shop is a production building unlocked at experience level 49.

It is used to make bouquets.



It costs 120,000 coincoin and takes 1 day 15 hours (or 60diadia) to build the Flower Shop. It gives players 30 xpxp when completed.


Rustic bouquet

Bright bouquet

Gracious bouquet

Rustic Bouquet Bright Bouquet Gracious Bouquet
Level 49 Level 65 Level 73
45分钟 20分钟 40分钟
★★★ 38分钟 ★★★ 17分钟 ★★★ 34分钟
3diadia 2diadia 3diadia
208coincoin 338coincoin 500coincoin
25xpxp 40xpxp 60xpxp
Candy bouquet Birthday bouquet Soft bouquet
Candy Bouquet Birthday Bouquet Soft Bouquet
Level 90 Level 92 Level 93
20分钟 20分钟 30分钟
★★★ 17分钟 ★★★ 17分钟 ★★★ 25分钟
2diadia 2diadia 3diadia
554coincoin 349coincoin 298coincoin
66xpxp 42xpxp 36xpxp
Veggie bouquet
Veggie Bouquet
Level 106
★★★ 12分钟


主条目: Production Buildings

The Flower Shop originally has 2 slots available. Unlocking the third slot costs 6 diamonds. Players can unlock 7 new slots in total, each new one costing 3 more diadia than the previous one. Alternatively, they can spend a total of 105 diadia to completely upgrade their machine.


A total of 1,512 hours of production is required to master the Flower Shop:

File:Flower Shop Mastered.png
72 hrs
288 hrs
1152 hrs
TruckM10Coins TruckM5XP File:Flower Shop Mastery.png
+10% coincoin +5% xpxp 15% faster

Strategy tips

Rustic Bouqets are the best way of mastering Flower Shop as they only require wheat, cotton and indigo, which can easily be found in newspaper. And as they take the longest time 45 minutes to be prepared. Rustic Bouqets, unlike Bright Bouqets and Soft Bouqets, are very common and can be easily found in newspaper. They won't get sold real quick, so ensure yourself before selling them.
