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卡通农场 Wiki
卡通农场 Wiki

The Coffee Kiosk is a production building unlocked at level 42.

It is used to make espressos, caffè lattes, caffè mochas, caramel lattes, hot chocolates, iced banana lattes and raspberry mochas.


The Coffee Kiosk is a small wooden hut with a coffee cup logo on its black roof, and white painted sides. Cups and coffee machines are placed inside it and on its counter. A chair and a table are placed in front of it.

The mastered version gets a star on its front, and a flowerbed on its side.


It costs 75,000 coincoin and takes 1 day and 11 hours (or 57 diadia) to build the Coffee Kiosk. It gives players 35 xpxp when completed.



Caffè latte

Caffè mocha

Espresso Caffè Latte Caffè Mocha
Level 42 Level 43 Level 45
5分钟 10分钟 15分钟
★★★ 4分钟 ★★★ 8分钟 ★★★ 12分钟
1diadia 2diadia 2diadia
248coincoin 219coincoin 291coincoin
29xpxp 26xpxp 35xpxp
Raspberry mocha Hot chocolate Caramel latte
Raspberry Mocha Hot Chocolate Caramel Latte
Level 46 Level 47 Level 62
30分钟 25分钟 15分钟
★★★ 25分钟 ★★★ 21分钟 ★★★ 12分钟
3diadia 3diadia 2diadia
259coincoin 316coincoin 345coincoin
31xpxp 38xpxp 41xpxp
Iced banana latte
Iced Banana Latte
Level 88
★★★ 17分钟


主条目: Production Buildings

The Coffee Kiosk originally has two slots available. Unlocking the third slot costs 6 diamonds. Players can unlock 7 new slots in total, each new one costing 3 more diadia than the previous one. Alternatively, they can spend a total of 105 diadia to completely upgrade their machine.


A total of 1,270 hours of production is required to master the Coffee Kiosk:

Mastered Coffee Kiosk
70 hrs
240 hrs
960 hrs
TruckM10Coins TruckM5XP File:Coffee Kiosk Mastery.png
+10% coincoin +5% xpxp 15% faster

Strategy tips

  • The Coffee Kiosk is very hard to master as all its products take very little time to make. The only way to do it a little more quickly is to unlock more slots and to make it work as often as possible.
  • Most beverages made in the Coffee Kiosk require white sugar and/or cream. Make sure you have a steady supply of these if you want to be able to use it.
  • Only Iced banana latte (Unlocked at level 88) doesn't require any white sugar and/or cream. Make sure to keep producing it a lot if you want to master your machine quickly.
