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卡通农场 Wiki

The Candle Maker is a production building unlocked at experience level 48.


The Candle Maker is a large mixing vat with a colorful mechanism dipping the candle in and out of the wax. In front of the vat there is a wooden table with candle molds. Next to the vat sits a purple chest with three drawers and a roll of white wick on top of it.

The mastered version gets a few golden parts and a star on the side.


It costs 118,000 coincoin and takes 1 day and 14 hours (or 58 diadia) to build the Candle Maker. It gives players 24 xpxp when completed.


Strawberry candle

Raspberry candle

Lemon candle

Strawberry Candle Raspberry Candle Lemon Candle
Level 48 Level 52 Level 72
2小时 1小时45分钟 2小时15分钟
★★★ 1小时42分钟 ★★★ 1小时29分钟 ★★★ 1小时54分钟
5diadia 5diadia 5diadia
370coincoin 360coincoin 457coincoin
44xpxp 43xpxp 55xpxp
Colorful candles Floral candle
Colorful Candles Floral Candle
Level 84 Level 95
1小时50分钟 2小时
★★★ 1小时33分钟 ★★★ 1小时42分钟
5diadia 5diadia
324coincoin 442coincoin
39xpxp 53xpxp


主条目: Production Buildings

The Candle Maker originally has two slots available. Unlocking the third slot costs 6 diamonds. Players can unlock 7 new slots in total, each new one costing 3 more diadia than the previous one. Alternatively, they can spend a total of 105 diadia to completely upgrade their machine.


A total of 1,512 hours of production is required to master the Candle Maker:

Mastered Candle Maker
72 hrs
288 hrs
1,152 hrs
TruckM10Coins TruckM5XP File:Candle Maker Mastery.png
+10% coincoin +5% xpxp 15% faster

Strategy tips

  • All candles, except the Floral Candle, require one can of beeswax and two fruit, so you can pick which one(s) to make to master the maker.
    • It is suggested either the Strawberry, or the Lemon Candle, as they both take at least 2 hours, but it mainly depends on how much of either fruit you have excess of.
  • Candles are often products required in the Town's Gift Shop.
  • You can speed up the production of the Candle Maker using a green booster.
