Hay Day Wiki
Hay Day Wiki


Sugarcane is a field crop unlocked at experience level 7.

It is exclusively used to make sugar and syrup in the Sugar Mill, and cannot be combined with any other product.

Like all crops, they are stored in the silo.

Growing sugarcane

Sugarcane are grown in fields by planting another sugarcane plant (either previously harvested or purchased). Each plot yields 2 plants (net gain of 1 plant) and 3 xpxp points, and takes 30 minutes to mature.

Selling sugarcane

Roadside Shop
  • Sugarcane can be sold or bought for a maximum price of 144 coincoin for 10 units.

Using sugarcane

Sugarcane is used to make the following products:

Brown sugar

White sugar


Brown Sugar White Sugar Syrup
Sugarcanex1 Sugarcanex2 Sugarcanex4
Level 7 Level 13 Level 18

Boat orders

  • Boat orders ask for 14 to 31 sugarcane per crate, up to a total of 116 per boat.
  • Each unit of sugarcane gives players 6 coins and 4 experience points in boat orders.

Strategy tips

  • Sugarcane is uncommon enough that selling it at a lower price is not necessary.
  • Sugarcane can often be found in the Daily Dirt, but sells very quickly.
  • Sugar requires one or two units while syrup needs 4 units. You need to make a lot of sugar in the game so storing lots of sugarcane is recommended.
  • You can also earn coins by harvesting sugarcane and selling sugar and syrup at maximum price in your shop.
