Hay Day Wiki

Soft bouquet

Soft bouquets are products unlocked at experience level 93.

Like all products, they are stored in the barn.

Making soft bouquets

Flower Shop

Soft bouquets are made in the Flower Shop.

To make a bouquet, players need the following ingredients, in the specified quantities:

Peonies Cotton Cotton fabric
x4 x1 x1

It takes 30 minutes to make a soft bouquet, and 25 minutes in a fully mastered shop. Each bouquet gives players 36 experience points.

Selling soft bouquets

Roadside shop
  • Soft bouquets can be bought or sold for a maximum price of 2,988 CoinCoin for 10 units.
  • Buying the ingredients required to make a soft bouquet costs 280 CoinCoin coins.

Boat orders

  • Boat orders ask for 1 to 2 soft bouquets per crate, up to a total of 8 per boat.
