The friend book is a feature which lets players manage their game friends and followers.
Requests tab
This tab lets players see their personal tag from this tab and enter other players' personal tags. Entering a tag sends a friend request. Players can then accept or decline friend requests, and block players who have requested to be their friends.
Requests are limited to 50 pending ones per day. The request feature can be disabled entirely.
In-game friends tab
This tab lets players see, remove or block their in-game friends.
Players can have up to 500 in-game friends.
Other friends tab
This tab lets players see and hide their GameCenter and Facebook friends. Hidden friends do not show up in the friends bar.
Following/Followers tab
This tab lets players see the farms they follow as well as their own followers. Players can also hide and block their followers using this tab.
Players can follow up to 10 farms, and have up to 10 followers. Hidden followers do not show up in the followers bar. Blocks are effective for 30 days and can be removed at any time. Players can still visit the farms of blocked players.
Followed farms have a blue border around their avatars.