Hay Day Wiki

Cotton fabric

Cotton fabric is a product unlocked at experience level 18.

It is used to make cotton shirts, wooly chaps, violet dresses, blankets, pillows, top hats, soft bouquets, gracious bouquet’s and veggie bouquets.

Like all products, it is stored in the barn.

Making cotton fabric


Cotton fabric is made in the Loom.

To make the fabric, players need the following ingredient, in the specified quantity:


It takes 30 minutes to make one piece, and 25 minutes in a fully mastered machine. Each piece gives players 13 experience points.

Selling cotton fabric

Roadside shop
  • Cotton fabric can be bought or sold for a maximum price of 1,080 CoinCoin for 10 pieces.
  • Buying the ingredients required to make a piece costs 84 CoinCoin.

Using cotton fabric

Cotton fabric is used to make the following products:

Cotton shirt

Wooly chaps

Violet dress

Cotton Shirt Wooly Chaps Violet Dress
Cotton Fabricx2 Cotton Fabricx1 Cotton Fabricx2
Level 19 Level 21 Level 25
Soothing pad Pillow Blanket
Soothing Pad Pillow Blanket
Cotton Fabricx2 Cotton Fabricx2 Cotton Fabricx3
Level 45 Level 51 Level 59
Top hat Gracious bouquet Soft bouquet
Top Hat Gracious Bouquet Soft Bouquet
Cotton Fabricx3 Cotton Fabricx1 Cotton Fabricx1
Level 72 Level 73 Level 93
Veggie bouquet
Veggie Bouquet
Cotton Fabricx1
Level 106

Boat orders

  • Boat orders ask for 3 to 5 cotton fabric per crate, up to a total of 20 per boat.

Did you know?

  • This is the only product from the Loom that doesn't require wool.
  • Cotton is used to make most of the products in the sewing machine, so it is recommended to keep some in stock.
  • For no time wasted, you need to grow 15 cotton to make 5 cotton fabric in exactly 2 and a half hours. Once the machine is fully mastered, you need to grow 3 extra cotton for an extra product.
  • Although the boat orders don't ask for much, it may take a while for helpers to fill the crates.
