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Hay Day Wiki

Cotton Candy

Cotton Candy (also known as candy floss) is a product unlocked at experience level 75. It's not used to make any other product.

It is introduced in 28 June 2021 update.

Like all products, it is stored in the barn.

Making cotton candy

Candy Machine

Cotton candy is made in Candy Machine.

To make cotton candy, players need the following ingredients, in the specified quantities:

White Sugar

White Sugar



×3 ×1

It takes 30 minutes to make one cotton candy, and 25 minutes in a fully mastered candy machine. Each cotton candy gives players 27 experience points.

Selling candy floss

Roadside Shop
  • Cotton candy can be bought or sold for a maximum price of 2268 CoinCoin for 10 units.
  • Buying the ingredients required to make 1 cotton candy costs 200 CoinCoin.

Strategy tips

  • Producing a cotton candy requires 3 bags of white sugar. Nevertheless, they never be requested to fill carte of boat. Players don't need to produce reservation.
