Merry Town Growers is actively recruiting! We are a friendly, helpful, derby-focused group that has members from around the world. We regularly earn trophies in our derbies. We also have a discord server, so anytime you have a help request you can post and someone will usually see it and jump in to assist. Come on in and say hi! 😊Merry Town Growers, Req. Level: 60, Tag: #8Q9OLVLR
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Neighbors Wanted
Hi, I am level 20 on HayDay and I need new neighbours. My farm is called CrazyAcres. Always willing to help out with orders, if I can.
My id code is #LV0YQJ0JQ
Just Updated
Looking for active member
Looking for active members for derby
Here’s my code [#RGR00QLL], u can join my neighborhood if u want, all my 6 family members & friends are in there, we are very active and supportive! 🥰🫶🏻
Seeking active members who help with derby code is QCC2VGCU it's a new neighborhood and I want to get it kicked off before the next derby
Luna Blues — Neighborhood Tag: #QP99LGYP
Ready to be part of an exciting new neighborhood? Join us today! We are seeking more farmers who are eager to chat, assist others, and take part in the derby. With 11 members on board within just under two weeks of our creation, you’ll be joining a thriving neighborhood from the start.
About us
🧑🌾 A minimum level requirement of 15 or higher is necessary to join.
🤝 We provide mutual help to one another.
🏆 Derby participation is not required, but it is strongly preferred. Our members recently competed in our very first derby and by coming in first place, we were promoted to the novice league. We won't stop there!
💬 The members in our neighborhood are active, friendly, and quite chatty. Although chatting is not obligatory, it's important to stay active or at least inform us if you'll be gone for a bit.
Ready to become a part of our neighborhood? Don't hesitate any longer! We're a group of Hay Day enthusiasts who are here to stay, and we're passionate about cultivating an engaging atmosphere as we play
I accept fast
I am new heree
Are you in search of an active and dedicated neighborhood for serious derby play? Look no further! Join Walters Crew today and become part of a thriving community of committed players. As proud members of the professional league, we're seeking individuals who meet our rigorous standards:
🌟 Requirements:
- Minimum level: 34+
- Derby task minimum: 300 points
- Fluent in English
- Respectful and adherent to rules
- Regular participation and activity
- Consistent assistance with neighborhood requests
- Active involvement in neighborhood events and chat
- Contribution to Barn and Silo upgrades through donations
- Effective communication regarding derby strategy and tasks
- Maintaining a positive and supportive attitude towards fellow members
At Walters Crew, we prioritize support and camaraderie among our members. Let's work together to cultivate thriving farms! 🚜🌾
To join Walters Crew:
1. Open your Hay Day game.
2. Navigate to the neighborhood tab.
3. Search for "Walters Crew".
4. Click on "Join".
5. Await approval from our neighborhood leader or co-leader.
Please note: If your request to join is rejected, it may be due to our neighborhood being at capacity or if your profile does not meet our requirements.
We currently have 16 slots left! Join us today and let's grow our farm together! 🌟
I was having an issue with trying to join a neighborhood, it would go grey and freeze when I would click on it, so I said what the heck let me just create a family friendly laid back country farm neighborhood! I would love ya’ll to join
Pony Express #QRQUCRUY
Hope to see ya there!!!
LOOKING FOR SERIOUS DERBY PLAYERS LEVEL 80 and up We are very active hay day neighborhood looking for members that are extra serious about winning and going to the championship league. HaydayHaven We promote to elder once we see you're going to be in the next derby. we do 300+ points in every Dirby. We DO NOT REQUIRE YOU TO USE DIAMONDS that is up to you if you like . And must get at least 2000+ points And English speaking and understanding is required. We also have a Facebook community. If you like to join. We show each other respect by saying thank you when someone helps us. We are very helpful and chatty. International players welcome We take the derby very seriously. We are a competitive but very helpful team. Feel free to ask for items that you need to complete your tasks.Communication is the key to your success.
Our NH info Hayday Haven Tag# l8vl28jp
Hope to see you soon!
Currently looking for active players so we can help each others.
Ok, so I started this bomb neighborhood. It was derby focused and helpful and I thought I had made some online friends… long story short, I was wrong. So I’m starting over again because one person came in and convinced everyone to go with her all because I wouldn’t give her ownership of the neighborhood I started. So I would love to to revamp the neighborhood!! I need y’all’s help! ☺️☺️
Hi! I’m a veteran farmer lv 48 just coming back to the game. Since I lost my old-hood to someone I don’t know, I decided to create a new hood. My goal is to connect people who have been loving the game so far together, actively trading and running derby weekly. If you’re looking for a friendly, actively, chilly and funny hood to join, please consider joining us. We’re here to help each other when in need! Thank you! 🙏🏼
• My tag: #8P8RQJ00
• Hood’s name: DREAMLAND
• Hood’s tag: #LURCG89P
Wij zijn opzoek naar nederlandse spelers die willen aansluiten in onze buurt Stentorcity wij zoeken actieve leden die ook e ht samen willen spelen. Derby spelen is niet verplicht, maar meld je je aan voor de derby wordt er wel verwacht dat je ook echt speelt. Wij zien je graag in onze buurt!!
Kakel Kip